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Constant and Josephine Laval


Constant Laval

Josephine Laval

The Laval Genealogy Project is dedicated to collecting, preserving, organizing, and presenting information and materials about Constant Laval and his relations.

Constant Laval

Constant Laval was born in St. Quirin, Lorraine, France in 1850 and lived his early years there.  He was the fourth of five children.  His father, Jean Baptiste Laval, was a ...  in ... .  His mother was Marie Thérèse Aimée .  Her family ... .

Constant served in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870.  Unhappy with conditions in Lorraine, he emigrated to Algeria in ... , joining his brother ... there.  Constant stayed in Algeria until ..., when he returned to France.  He lived in Paris from ... to ... and worked as an Auxillary in the Quai d'Orsay Railway Department.

 In about 1874, Constant emigrated again.  This time he came to the United States along with his youngest sister, Victorine.  

 Josephine Claude

 Josephine Claude was born in St. Quirin, Lorraine, France in 1859.  Her father, ..., was a ...  in ... .  Her mother was Josephine Demangeon.  Her family ... .

 Josephine Claude and her family came to the United States in 1868.  Her father was naturalized as an American citizen in .... in St. Paul, MN. 

 Constant and Josephine Laval

 Constant Laval and Josephine Claude were married in St. Louis in 1876.  They had seven children. 

Aimée "Pete" Bertha Laval was born in 1878 in New Orleans. 

Alice Josephine Laval was born in 1880 in New York City.

Alice Laval was born in 1881. 

Claude “Pop” Constant Laval Sr. was born in 1882 in New York City. 

George Lucien Laval was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1887.

Alsace Irma Laval and Lorraine Alice Laval, the twins, were born in 1890 in Carlstadt, NJ. 

Constant Laval was naturalized as an American citizen in New York City in 1882.  While in American he, ..................   ..............................  ...................... .........
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Constant Laval died in Braddock, PA in 1904.

Josephine survived Constant by forty-five years.  In ... she .................... ..........
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Josephine Claude Laval died in ... in 1949.

Constant and Josephine Laval had ten grandchildren, ... great grandchildren,  and ...  great great grandchildren.


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This page last updated on June 22, 2003.

This page last updated on June 22, 2003.